Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 2 - Jeff

Sorry for the delay in posting yesterday evening, was such a nice night out we decided to just relax and didn't get a chance until now, especially after what day 3 was like, more about that in the day 3 post.

Woke up around 8 had breakfast and packed up the kayaks (Coffin II & Bucket) which ended up being a little easier on day 2 now that we are kinda figuring the best placement of things and getting into a routine. Met some nice guys down the lake who were checking out the lock and they were nice enough to help us put the kayaks in, thanks guys, it's the little things that make all the difference.

Another clear sunny day with pretty good wind which was at our backs for most of the day and definitely helps with the paddling. First few kilometers were a little nervous as the lock master at Swift Rapids scared the crap out of us regarding the current. They made it sound as if we would be like trout swimming up stream, was all for nothing. Yes the current was strong in the middle of a few channels but it actually wasn't bad near the shores, childs play for Julie who is now a master with a paddle. Well... Probably because she stole mine. The only mishap of the morning was when we stopped for a break and Julie slipped on a rock and almost went for a good swim. No bruises or cuts, whew.

We have realized Julie has a tolerance of about an hour before she needs to stretch and get off her butt for a bit, little bit of a challenge sometimes to find a non rocky, non cottage filled spot but we are managing, who knew working in an office all day would have its advantages, I'm used to sitting on my ass.

Found a nice lunch place, was kinda freaky actually, looked like somebody just pulled up a couple of lawn chairs in the middle of the bush along side the river. Was also some pretty funky items around, only missing banjo. I think Julie is noticing boaters just don't give a shit about the little guy.

Ok, that nice wind turned into straight in the face wind just in time to cross Sparrow Lake, Julie officially hates waves and wind and must have heard 5 times "I hate Sparrow Lake" only a fore shadow of the next day to come though and figure we can change her mind, much better lakes to hate.

Did about 20k and made it to Washago lock around 6ish as planned, setup camp and let Julie kick in a bit this time rather than watch me do it. Had a great dinner and relaxed for the night after Julie did the dishes, she might be thinking that's the only reason she is here, hey I make dinner, you clean.

Nice lock to stay at but the only one I've ever had to pay for camping at, they usually give kayaks a break, 4.90 per person, still cheap though and worth it, nice place to camp.

All in all a great day and Julie hanging in just fine

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