Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 7 - Julie

It appears as though 6am is time Seagulls do their mating calls...damn birds! Chris I'm stealing your sling-shot when I get to Oak Bay!
Another early morning. Tim's is about a 1/2km walk from us and Jeff offers to do all the packing if I go get coffees. "Ok" I say..."I might even run there"...oh wait that means packing won't be done by time I get back! A stroll it is :).

Through the locks at 9:11 am and out to Pigeon Lake. I have a place in Buckhorn so I have been on Pigeon Lake a lot and it is always rough! I'm prepared for the worse! It was perfect! It is so nice being on familar ground (or lake)...I recognize the Sand Bar where we anchor...the old abandon, haunted boat house that Lindsay and Jaimie explored last year with us and the marina that I pass in my boat as I enter Pigeon Lake!
We stop for our first break at this Marina...and Jeff gets his daily fix of ice cream. As we walk around the grounds we realize we are in a religeous camp. There is a small chapel, postings of upcoming rock concerts with Jesus bands and no smoking on premises signs. We clearly don't belong here. As we head back to the dock we see a grandpa on the beach in his speedo! Isn't that a sin????

Now on to Lake Buckhorn...the home stretch, 2 days off and my family!
Rain clouds and thunderstorms are surrounding us but once again we luck out and escape the bad weather!

28k and 5hrs later we pull up to Oak Bay where my family greets us on shore and Tristan and Jade have drinks ready for us.
Hot shower...bbq and salad...and a nap!
Life is good!

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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